Yes, indeed. Ghost Month is the seventh LUNAR month of the year. For 2018, Ghost Month runs from August 11th to September 9th.
According to Chinese folk legend, on the first day of the seventh lunar month, the gate of hell swings completely open and ghosts roam freely until the gate is closed on the 30th day of the seventh lunar month. As a safety precaution for both ghosts and Earth-bound souls, it is tradition to worship the dead in the preceding lunar month. Since ancient times, people in China have been offering sacrifices on the first, second, fifteenth and final day of the Ghost Month.
The "Hungry Ghost Festival" falls on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, and it's origins are similar to that of Halloween in Europe.
Ghost Month Don'ts
I you want to abide by Ghost Month tradition, remember to follow these rules:
- Do not wear the clothes with your name
- Do not pat other people on the shoulder
- Do not whistle
- Do not go out after dark if you are a child or senior